Parts and Services for the Automation Industry
Corporate Information Technology Services

Systems Engineering/Service/Support - Thorough and Complete, Only from CITS! 

Buy a part from us or get yours repaired!  If there is no price, call for a quote, (651)442- 9044.

"Making a PURCHASE on this SITE"

6 Million Dollar Honeywell Parts Inventory Across all Honeywell Legacy/NEW Systems!

    Systems Engineering    System Programming    Systems Evaluations      Systems Training Services    Systems Migration   

Systems Upgrading   Systems Problem Solving    Systems Contract Maintenance   

What can CITS DO?

CITS can address each and every one of these problems.

Here is our strategy or more appropriately our tactic:

  • A service contract that is very very low dollar so much so that we cannot even mention it lest we 'spoil'  the market as some will say.
  • Contract is designed to use the in house people for most work under our  guidance.
  • In house people are thoroughly trained using the CITS Exclusive Curriculum System.
  • A supply of critical hardware parts is assembled on site.
  • Quarterly or more often or less frequent visists arranged by an engineer that is totally familiar with the site system. The site databases are modified, enhanced and expanded on site without being sent to some engineering outfit in China, India, Australia or Germany. The Engineer is not a technician that can just reset the system and change a sensor or detector or replace a piece of hardware with the old program reinstalled!

The CITS Engineer is fully conversant with every aspect of the site database and is in control of it from a simple change to a graphic to a complex change in the program action of a mechanical system.

Click here to see this simple but powerfull contract text.

Then click here to start your solution process from CITS. And here are the simple steps that CITS will put in place for you. Basically, you do not do anything! CITS recommends and does everything for you and keeps you updated with reports on your system in easy to understand informal language. CITS holds nothing back. All information is transferred to you or is available to you. NO work is proprietary and you can assign it to the next vendor whenever you wish. We turn everythig over to you when you just ask for it. But until then we safeguard it for you at no cost to you.  

Automation Problems and the CITS Solution

Riaz Hussain, Automation Systems Specialist

I can answer your questions and I can find/configure a solution for you!

Call Me NOW (651)442-9044!

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