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S1000 DGP  Control II Board  Assy M  Rev N/A
Item Details
S1000 DGP  Control II Board  Assy M  Rev N/A
Item Name:
S1000 DGP Control II Board Assy M Rev N/A
Item #:
14501708-005 SN 8636
$1,912.99  $1,671.92

Product Image Gallery:

S1000 DGP Control II Card

This board is used in the Honeywell Delta 1000 System. It is used in the S1000 DGP of that system. This system is still used in many organisations in the USA and abroad, still works just as flawlessly as it did on the first day. The Delta 1000 System is still a very viable option and you can use it for many years more since we have all parts and support for this system. For training/configuration help check

The board is used in the S1000 DGP of the Alpha/Delta 1000 system. Call a CITS engineering specialist for help with this board, the FS90 or the D1000 system. CITS has all information to service/support this system as opposed to the information in Chat Rooms, Freeloaders' User Groups and other website that trade/offer mythical/half-backed information about the systems that they may not have even seen. CITS offers professional services as opposed to "Ifs", "Ands", and "May Be's" and can sell/repair all Honeywell Automation System Parts. Engineering/Servicing AutomationSystems is a CITS speciality. Also check the CITS Revolutionay Contract Maintenance service that costs you next to nothing.

CITS CAN REPAIR THIS CIRCUIT BOARD! (651)414-3096 or go to this Link: CITS Repair Facility

All Boards are sent in fully tested and with a 30 day replacement warranty. Picture may not represent the exact item described.

In Stock!
D1K/D2K Control II Board

Riaz Hussain, Automation Systems Specialist

I can answer your questions and I can find/configure a solution for you!

Call Me NOW (651)442-9044!

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